Source code for franka_moveit.movegroup_interface

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# @package: franka_moveit
# @metapackage: franka_ros_interface
# @author: Saif Sidhik <>

# **************************************************************************/

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# Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Saif Sidhik
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# **************************************************************************/

import sys
import copy
import rospy
import moveit_commander
import moveit_msgs.msg
import geometry_msgs.msg
from moveit_commander.conversions import pose_to_list
from franka_moveit import ExtendedPlanningSceneInterface

def all_close(goal, actual, tolerance):
    Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a tolerance of their counterparts in another list
    :param: goal       A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
    :param: actual     A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
    :param: tolerance  A float
    :rtype: bool
    if isinstance(goal, list):
        for index, g in enumerate(goal):
          if abs(actual[index] - g) > tolerance:
            return False

    elif isinstance(goal, geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped):
        return all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)

    elif isinstance(goal, geometry_msgs.msg.Pose):
        return all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual), tolerance)

    return True

[docs]class PandaMoveGroupInterface: def __init__(self, use_panda_hand_link=False): try: rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") except KeyError: rospy.loginfo(("Moveit server does not seem to be running.")) raise Exception except (socket.error, socket.gaierror): print ("Failed to connect to the ROS parameter server!\n" "Please check to make sure your ROS networking is " "properly configured:\n") sys.exit() moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) self._robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self._scene = ExtendedPlanningSceneInterface() self._arm_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("panda_arm") try: rospy.get_param("/franka_gripper/robot_ip") self._gripper_group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("hand") except KeyError: rospy.loginfo(("PandaMoveGroupInterface: could not detect gripper.")) self._gripper_group = None except (socket.error, socket.gaierror): print ("Failed to connect to the ROS parameter server!\n" "Please check to make sure your ROS networking is " "properly configured:\n") sys.exit() self._display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) if use_panda_hand_link and self._gripper_group is not None: self._default_ee = 'panda_hand' else: self._default_ee = 'panda_link8' self._arm_group.set_end_effector_link(self._default_ee) rospy.logdebug("PandaMoveGroupInterface: Setting default EE link to '{}' " "Use group.set_end_effector_link() method to change default EE.".format(self._default_ee)) self._arm_group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(0.3) @property def robot_state_interface(self): """ :getter: The RobotCommander instance of this object :type: moveit_commander.RobotCommander .. note:: For available methods for RobotCommander, refer `RobotCommander <>`_. """ return self._robot @property def scene(self): """ :getter: The PlanningSceneInterface instance for this robot. This is an interface to the world surrounding the robot :type: franka_moveit.ExtendedPlanningSceneInterface .. note:: For other available methods for planning scene interface, refer `PlanningSceneInterface <>`_. """ return self._scene @property def arm_group(self): """ :getter: The MoveGroupCommander instance of this object. This is an interface to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the Panda arm. This interface can be used to plan and execute motions on the Panda. :type: moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander .. note:: For available methods for movegroup, refer `MoveGroupCommander <>`_. """ return self._arm_group @property def gripper_group(self): """ :getter: The MoveGroupCommander instance of this object. This is an interface to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the Panda gripper. This interface can be used to plan and execute motions of the gripper. :type: moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander .. note:: For available methods for movegroup, refer `MoveGroupCommander <>`_. """ return self._gripper_group
[docs] def go_to_joint_positions(self, positions, wait = True, tolerance = 0.005): """ :return: status of joint motion plan execution :rtype: bool :param positions: target joint positions (ordered) :param wait: if True, function will wait for trajectory execution to complete :param tolerance: maximum error in final position for each joint to consider task a success :type positions: [double] :type wait: bool :type tolerance: double """ self._arm_group.clear_pose_targets() rospy.logdebug("Starting positions: {}".format(self._arm_group.get_current_joint_values())) self._arm_group.go(positions[:7], wait = wait) if len(positions) > 7: self._gripper_group.go(positions[7:], wait = wait) if wait: self._arm_group.stop() gripper_tolerance = True if len(positions)> 7: self._gripper_group.stop() gripper_tolerance = all_close(positions[7:], self._gripper_group.get_current_joint_values(), tolerance) return all_close(positions[:7], self._arm_group.get_current_joint_values(), tolerance) and gripper_tolerance return True
[docs] def go_to_cartesian_pose(self, pose, ee_link="", wait=True): """ Plan and execute a cartesian path to reach a target by avoiding obstacles in the scene. For planning through multiple points, use func:`self._arm_group.set_pose_targets`. :param pose: The cartesian pose to be reached. (Use :func:`franka_moveit.utils.create_pose_msg` for creating pose messages easily) :type pose: geomentry_msgs.msg.Pose :param ee_link: name of end-effector link to be used; uses currently set value by default :type ee_link: str, optional :param wait: if set to True, blocks till execution is complete; defaults to True :type wait: bool """ self._arm_group.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link=ee_link) self._arm_group.go(wait=wait)
[docs] def plan_cartesian_path(self, poses): """ Plan cartesian path using the provided list of poses. :param poses: The cartesian poses to be achieved in sequence. (Use :func:`franka_moveit.utils.create_pose_msg` for creating pose messages easily) :type poses: [geomentry_msgs.msg.Pose] :return: the actual RobotTrajectory (can be used for :py:meth:`execute_plan`), a fraction of how much of the path was followed :rtype: [RobotTrajectory, float (0,1)] .. note:: This method will NOT make the robot avoid obstacles defined in scene. Use func:`go_to_cartesian_pose` for moving to target pose and avoiding obstacles. """ waypoints = [] for pose in poses: waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(pose)) plan, fraction = self._arm_group.compute_cartesian_path(waypoints, 0.01, 0.0) return plan, fraction
[docs] def set_velocity_scale(self, value, group = "arm"): """ Set the max velocity scale for executing planned motion. :param value: scale value (allowed (0,1] ) :type value: float """ if group == "arm": self._arm_group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(value) elif group == "gripper": self._gripper_group.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(value) else: raise ValueError("PandaMoveGroupInterface: Invalid group specified!") rospy.logdebug("PandaMoveGroupInterface: Setting velocity scale to {}".format(value))
[docs] def plan_joint_path(self, joint_position): """ :return: RobotTrajectory plan for executing joint trajectory (can be used for :py:meth:`execute_plan`) :param joint_position: target joint positions :type joint_position: [float]*7 """ return self._arm_group.plan(joint_position)
[docs] def close_gripper(self, wait = False): """ Close gripper. (Using named states defined in urdf.) :param wait: if set to True, blocks till execution is complete; defaults to True :type wait: bool .. note:: If this named state is not found, your ros environment is probably not using the right panda_moveit_config package. Ensure that sourced package is from this repo --> """ self._gripper_group.set_named_target("close") return self._gripper_group.go(wait = wait)
[docs] def open_gripper(self, wait = False): """ Open gripper. (Using named states defined in urdf) :param wait: if set to True, blocks till execution is complete :type wait: bool .. note:: If this named state is not found, your ros environment is probably not using the right panda_moveit_config package. Ensure that sourced package is from this repo --> """ self._gripper_group.set_named_target("open") return self._gripper_group.go(wait = wait)
[docs] def display_trajectory(self, plan): """ Display planned trajectory in RViz. Rviz should be open and Trajectory display should be listening to the appropriate trajectory topic. :param plan: the plan to be executed (from :func:`plan_joint_path` or :py:meth:`plan_cartesian_path`) """ display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() display_trajectory.trajectory_start = self._robot.get_current_state() display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) # Publish self._display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory)
[docs] def move_to_neutral(self, wait = True): """ Send arm group to neutral pose defined using named state in urdf. :param wait: if set to True, blocks till execution is complete :type wait: bool """ self._arm_group.set_named_target("ready") return self._arm_group.go(wait = wait)
[docs] def execute_plan(self, plan, group = "arm", wait = True): """ Execute the planned trajectory :param plan: The plan to be executed (from :py:meth:`plan_joint_path` or :py:meth:`plan_cartesian_path`) :param group: The name of the move group (default "arm" for robot; use "hand" for gripper group) :type group: str :param wait: if set to True, blocks till execution is complete :type wait: bool """ if group == "arm": self._arm_group.execute(plan, wait = wait) elif group == "gripper": self._gripper_group.execute(plan, wait = wait) else: raise ValueError("PandaMoveGroupInterface: Invalid group specified!")