Source code for franka_tools.frames_interface

# /***************************************************************************

# @package: franka_tools
# @metapackage: franka_ros_interface
# @author: Saif Sidhik <>

# **************************************************************************/

# /***************************************************************************
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Saif Sidhik

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# **************************************************************************/

import tf2_ros as tf
import rospy
import quaternion
import numpy as np
import franka_dataflow
from franka_msgs.srv import SetEEFrame, SetKFrame

from collections import namedtuple
_FRAME_NAMES = namedtuple('Constants', ['EE_FRAME', 'K_FRAME'])
                                        1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],  # EE_FRAME
                                       [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                           0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  # K_FRAME
                                       )  # identity matrices by default

[docs]class FrankaFramesInterface(object): """ Helper class to retrieve and set EE frames. .. note:: The current (realtime) transformation of the end-effector frame and stiffness frame has to be updated externally each time franka states is updated. All of this is done automatically within the ArmInterface class, so use the instance of FrankaFramesInterface from the ArmInterface object using :py:meth:`get_frames_interface<franka_interface.ArmInterface.get_frames_interface>` for ease. .. note:: All controllers have to be unloaded before switching frames. This has to be done externally (also automatically handled in ArmInterface class). .. note:: It is best to provide all transformation matrices using numpy arrays. If providing as flattened 1D list, make sure it is in column major format. """ def __init__(self): self._current_EE_frame_transformation = None # NE_T_EE self._current_K_frame_transformation = None # EE_T_K
[docs] def set_EE_frame(self, frame): """ Set new EE frame based on the transformation given by 'frame', which is the transformation matrix defining the new desired EE frame with respect to the nominal end-effector frame (NE_T_EE). :type frame: [float (16,)] / np.ndarray (4x4) :param frame: transformation matrix of new EE frame wrt nominal end-effector frame (if list, should be column major) :rtype: bool :return: success status of service request """ frame = self._assert_frame_validity(frame) return self._request_setEE_service(frame)
def _update_frame_data(self, EE_frame_transformation, K_frame_transformation): """ The callback function used by the PandaArm class to update the current frame transformations NE_T_EE and EE_T_K. """ assert len( EE_frame_transformation) == 16, "FrankaFramesInterface: Current EE frame transformation could not be retrieved!" self._current_EE_frame_transformation = EE_frame_transformation assert len( K_frame_transformation) == 16, "FrankaFramesInterface: Current K frame transformation could not be retrieved!" self._current_K_frame_transformation = K_frame_transformation def _assert_frame_validity(self, frame): if isinstance(frame, np.ndarray): if frame.shape[0] == frame.shape[1] == 4: frame = frame.flatten('F').tolist() else: raise ValueError( "Invalid shape for transformation matrix numpy array") else: assert len( frame) == 16, "Invalid number of elements in transformation matrix. Should have 16 elements." return frame
[docs] def frames_are_same(self, frame1, frame2): """ :return: True if two transformation matrices are equal :rtype: bool :param frame1: 4x4 transformation matrix representing frame1 :type frame1: np.ndarray (shape: [4,4]), or list (flattened column major 4x4) :param frame2: 4x4 transformation matrix representing frame2 :type frame2: np.ndarray (shape: [4,4]), or list (flattened column major 4x4) """ frame1 = self._assert_frame_validity(frame1) frame2 = self._assert_frame_validity(frame2) return np.array_equal(np.asarray(frame1), np.asarray(frame2))
[docs] def EE_frame_already_set(self, frame): """ :return: True if the requested frame is already the current EE frame :rtype: bool :param frame: 4x4 transformation matrix representing frame :type frame: np.ndarray (shape: [4,4]), or list (flattened column major 4x4) """ return self.frames_are_same(frame, self._current_EE_frame_transformation)
[docs] def set_EE_at_frame(self, frame_name, timeout=5.0): """ Set new EE frame to the same frame as the link frame given by 'frame_name'. Only 'panda_link7', 'panda_link8', 'panda_hand', 'panda_NE', and 'panda_EE' are valid frames for this operation. Other frames will not produce required results. Motion controllers should be stopped for switching. :type frame_name: str :param frame_name: desired tf frame name in the tf tree :rtype: [bool, str] :return: [success status of service request, error msg if any] """ return self.set_EE_frame(self.get_link_tf(frame_name, timeout))
[docs] def get_EE_frame(self, as_mat=False): """ Get current EE frame transformation matrix in flange frame :type as_mat: bool :param as_mat: if True, return np array, else as list :rtype: [float (16,)] / np.ndarray (4x4) :return: transformation matrix of EE frame wrt flange frame (column major) """ return self._current_EE_frame_transformation if not as_mat else np.asarray(self._current_EE_frame_transformation).reshape(4, 4, order='F')
[docs] def reset_EE_frame(self): """ Reset EE frame to default. (defined by DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATIONS.EE_FRAME global variable defined above) By default, this is identity aligning it with the nominal end-effector frame. :rtype: bool :return: success status of service request """ return self.set_EE_frame(frame=DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATIONS.EE_FRAME)
def EE_frame_is_reset(self): assert self._current_EE_frame_transformation is not None, "FrankaFramesInterface: Current EE Frame is not known." return list(self._current_EE_frame_transformation) == list(DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATIONS.EE_FRAME) def _request_setEE_service(self, trans_mat): rospy.wait_for_service( '/franka_ros_interface/franka_control/set_EE_frame') try: service_handle = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/franka_ros_interface/franka_control/set_EE_frame', SetEEFrame) response = service_handle(F_T_EE=trans_mat) rospy.loginfo("Set EE Frame Request Status: %s. \n\tDetails: %s" % ( "Success" if response.success else "Failed!", response.error)) return response.success except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logwarn("Set EE Frame Request: Service call failed: %s" % e) return False
[docs] def set_K_frame(self, frame): """ Set new K frame based on the transformation given by 'frame', which is the transformation matrix defining the new desired K frame with respect to the EE frame. :type frame: [float (16,)] / np.ndarray (4x4) :param frame: transformation matrix of new K frame wrt EE frame :rtype: bool :return: success status of service request """ frame = self._assert_frame_validity(frame) return self._request_setK_service(frame)
[docs] def set_K_at_frame(self, frame_name, timeout=5.0): """ Set new K frame to the same frame as the link frame given by 'frame_name' Only 'panda_link7', 'panda_link8', 'panda_hand', 'panda_NE', and 'panda_EE' are valid frames for this operation. Other frames will not produce required results. Motion controllers should be stopped for switching. :type frame_name: str :param frame_name: desired tf frame name in the tf tree :rtype: [bool, str] :return: [success status of service request, error msg if any] """ return self.set_K_frame(self.get_link_tf(frame_name, timeout, parent="panda_EE"))
[docs] def get_K_frame(self, as_mat=False): """ Get current K frame transformation matrix in EE frame :type as_mat: bool :param as_mat: if True, return np array, else as list :rtype: [float (16,)] / np.ndarray (4x4) :return: transformation matrix of K frame wrt EE frame """ return self._current_K_frame_transformation if not as_mat else np.asarray(self._current_K_frame_transformation).reshape(4, 4, order='F')
[docs] def reset_K_frame(self): """ Reset K frame to default. (defined by DEFAULT_K_FRAME global variable defined above) By default this resets to align the stiffness frame to the end-effector frame. :rtype: bool :return: success status of service request """ return self.set_K_frame(frame=DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATIONS.K_FRAME)
def K_frame_is_reset(self): assert self._current_K_frame_transformation is not None, "FrankaFramesInterface: Current K Frame is not known." return list(self._current_K_frame_transformation) == list(DEFAULT_TRANSFORMATIONS.K_FRAME) def _request_setK_service(self, trans_mat): rospy.wait_for_service( '/franka_ros_interface/franka_control/set_K_frame') try: service_handle = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/franka_ros_interface/franka_control/set_K_frame', SetKFrame) response = service_handle(EE_T_K=trans_mat) rospy.loginfo("Set K Frame Request Status: %s. \n\tDetails: %s" % ( "Success" if response.success else "Failed!", response.error)) return response.success except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logwarn("Set K Frame Request: Service call failed: %s" % e) return False
if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node("test") ee_setter = FrankaFramesInterface() # ee_setter.set_EE_frame([1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1])